Formal adoption of the ‘Elmswell Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2037’ by Mid Suffolk District Council

Elmswell Neighbourhood Plan

The Elmswell Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) has been prepared by the Parish Council and local community and will be used to help guide and shape future development in the parish.

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Reg 20 Formal adoption (24 November 2023)

In an ‘out of meeting’ decision published on Friday 24 November 2023 Mid Suffolk District Council agreed to adopt ('make') the Elmswell NDP.

This NDP, which covers the plan period to 2037, now forms part of the development plan and will be used to help determine planning applications in the parish unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

Supporting Evidence

The following documents provide supporting evidence for the adopted NDP.

Click here to view the full article on the Mid Suffolk website

A copy of the email received confirming the above can be viewed below:

This e-mail has been sent for information only. You do not need to respond.


Dear Sir / Madam


Re: Formal adoption of the ‘Elmswell Neighbourhood Plan 2022 - 2037’ by Mid Suffolk District Council


As a statutory consultee, or as someone who has previously expressed an interest in this matter, we are writing to notify you that Mid Suffolk District Council have decided to ‘make’ (adopt) the Elmswell Neighbourhood Plan. This decision, which came into effect on Friday 24 November 2023, follows on from the majority yes vote at the local referendum held a few days earlier.


The Elmswell Neighbourhood Plan now becomes part of our development framework and will be used to help guide decision making on planning applications in the parish.


A copy of our Decision Statement and the now adopted Elmswell NP can be found on our website:



Yours faithfully,


Paul Bryant

Neighbourhood Planning Officer | Planning & Building Control

Babergh & Mid Suffolk District Councils – Working Together

T:  01449 724771 / 07860 829547


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